Tuesday 12 April 2022

Have our councillors delivered on their promises?


The frankly appalling state of the roads in the Scottish Borders warranted a detailed pre-election commentary which we attempted to provide in a recently published article.

Our facts, figures and opinions appear to have struck a chord with many citizens who are sick and tired of driving over the region's run down and neglected highways and byways.

But the condition of roads will not be the only local issue exercising the minds of voters when they choose their preferred candidates by post in advance or on May 5th itself.

In case any of the candidates in the forthcoming election are tempted to make exaggerated claims or gloss over the true facts....

Here are a few other topics for consideration.



SBC spends a greater proportion of its revenue on administration and support services (7%) than any other local authority in Scotland with the Scottish average spend on so-called Central Services at 4%. A further 9% of SBC's cash is used to service debt, the fifth highest figure out of 32 councils. The average percentage is 6%.


SBC's spend per primary school pupil at £5,619 is slightly below Scotland's average figure of £5,897. But in the secondary sector the Borders local authority statistic of £7,745 per pupil is above Scotland's £7,629. The latest returns reported by the benchmarking service suggest 70.2% of Borders residents are satisfied with local schools (Scottish average 71.8%).


The amount spent to support older people to live at home (£ per hour): SBC £19.81 (Scotland average £27.65) meaning the Borders total is the fourth lowest in the country. The number of days people spend in hospital when they are ready to be discharged (per 1,000 over 75): SBC 588 days; Scotland's average 484 days.


How many unemployed people have been assisted into work by the council?: SBC 1.4%, the second lowest figure in Scotland. The Scottish average is given as 6%.

Percentage of council's procurement spent on local enterprises: SBC 22%; Scottish average 29%.

Number of business gateway start ups: Borders 0.3, by far the lowest in Scotland; Average for the 32 councils is 11.2.

Amount spent on economic development and tourism (per 1,000 population: SBC £73,794; Scotland-wide £87,793.

How many people in the council area earn less than the real living wage?: SBC 24.6%; average 15.2%; Borders figure the fifth highest in Scotland.

Gross Value Added (GVA) in pounds per person: SBC £20,405; Scottish average £26,420.

SPORT AND LEISURE - Note: The council pays an outside agency to run some of these services

How satisfied are residents with local libraries?: SBC 54.3%; Scotland average 72.4%. Borders percentage is the second lowest in the country.

How satisfied are local residents with local museums and art galleries?: SBC 46.1%; average for Scotland 69.3%. Borders has the second lowest satisfaction rate in Scotland.

How satisfied are residents with local parks and open spaces?: SBC 77.8%; Scotland average 85%.

How satisfied are residents with local leisure facilities?: SBC 59.6%; Scotland-wide 70.1%. Borders has the third lowest approval rate nationally.

*Some ratings are for 2020/2021. Other cover the period 2017/2021 or 2019/20..

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