Monday 25 January 2021

Fiscal under fire from Avocet chief


Martin Frost, the "terminally ill" boss of the Avocet group of companies who also claims to suffer from memory loss has launched a bizarre written attack on a leading Scottish prosecutor, accusing him of 'rising above Crown impartiality'.

At the weekend, Mr Frost used one of his frequent shareholder letters which are circulated to hundreds of Avocet Natural Capital (ANC) PLC investors to level allegations at the Borders Procurator Fiscal (PF).

In recent months local police officers have been involved in investigating a number of disputes, complaints and counter complaints between Mr Frost, his Avocet 'disruptive technology' businesses and members of the Orrs, a Berwickshire farming family including Aileen Orr, a frequent target for Mr Frost's literary wrath.

Mr Frost's six-page communication with shareholders also suggests that police officers under the control of the PF's office, have issued a warning to Avocet company secretary and barrister Eirlys Lloyd to desist from threatening a former employee of the group. According to Mr Frost the threat allegations are unfounded.

Another section of the shareholder letter outlines Mr Frost's state of health after "a shareholder wrote to me requesting that given I am close to death what will happen to his investments."

Mr Frost writes: "Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, my cancer treatment is eleven months overdue and without it I shall surely die. But I am not dead yet, and I am convinced that Gennfros Limited’s [ANC's successor] new team are more than able to build upon the concepts derived from (chemists) Dr. ‘Bob’ Jennings and Dr. Glyn Short.".

Companies managed by Mr Frost and Dr Jennings have so far failed to bring a 'revolutionary' vehicle fuel additive to market after six years. The intention now is to dissolve ANC and concentrate on the value of intellectual property.

The Avocet chairman goes on to say: " At 73, I suffer from polycythaemia vera, diabetes, implant rejection, derivatives thereupon including some memory loss, and due to my physical ailments, I have clinical depression. That said, I keep taking the tablets and with support and my deep religious faith I battle through each day.

"I passionately believe ill health gives as well as it takes. My compassion and view of my fellows has radically improved especially when one sees the goodness this world has to offer."

In December 2019, explains Mr Frost, he made a complaint to the Scottish Crown Office concerning "theft and unlawful activities" involving several parties which had resulted in a £2.5 million loss for Avocet.

According to his weekend correspondence, Mr Frost claims: "What does immediately concern me, and my lawyers is the unthinking support Aileen Orr has managed to coral [sic] to her inconsistent lies. Masquerading as an SNP Scottish Government official Aileen Orr disseminates untruths and induces naïve others to her platform.

"A prominent other is Procurator Fiscal ***** who has risen above Crown impartiality and seeks to aid Aileen’s cause. Currently, even local Border based police officers are surprised by *****’s directions that all matters involving Avocet, Frost, and Orr must be passed direct to him and not sieved by the police. 

"According to some police officers, **** supports Aileen Orr’s lie (endorsed by the bully girls - Mr Frost's description of the administrators of one of his insolvent firms) that Avocet & Frost stole Sunwick, Houndwood, and Harcarse Hill farms from the Orr family – so much for impartial thinking. 

"Only this week, ****’s sway over Border Police was obvious when a PC... contacted Mrs. Eirlys Lloyd to warn Mrs. Lloyd off from threatening ***** [a named Avocat staff member] – although there was no truth to the threat, The PC said and inferred that (the fiscal) had issued standing instructions that Mrs. Aileen Orr must be assisted in her dispute with Frost & Avocet.

"The PC stated that **** was handling matters himself and thought Avocet’s US shareholder communications contravened the Communication Scotland Act Section 127 because such spoke ill of Mrs. Aileen Orr, her acolytes, and her bully girls. All this, notwithstanding over 25,000 hate emails against Frost & Avocet distributed by Aileen Orr - not forgetting Aileen’s social media widespread and untruthful muttering: indeed, as counsel sees it, Mr. **** appears – ‘just a touch bias’".

A spokesperson for COPFS (Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service) told us it would not be appropriate to comment on the conduct of a live investigation.

In conclusion, Mr Frost writes: "I passionately believe that at the end of the day, not only will all genuine creditors to all Avocet related companies shall be paid in full; but that all genuine Avocet shareholders will receive a substantial – and for many a very substantial shareholder return which shall soon be forthcoming. 

"And yes: it would be nice to think that GennfrosLimited one-penny shares may sell for £20, £30 or more pounds and yes, one can dream that Gennfros’s intellectual property will fire the company to similar heights of that currently found with Facebook, Amazon, and Google – but then again truth is stranger than fiction."

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