Tuesday 22 October 2019

A positive 'spin' if ever there was one!


The official publication of a 'best value' assessment of Scottish Borders Council services by the national spending watchdog - a report brought to you in instalments by Not Just Sheep & Rugby a week ago - has sent the local authority into positive spin overdrive.

A reaction statement from SBC does not even mention the list of issues, shortcomings and problems which have combined to hamper and frustrate local government service delivery in the region even though they are identified in the Accounts Commission document.

Instead, SBC's news release even has a sub-heading entitled 'Strengths highlighted'.

The statement says: "We are welcoming the Best Value Assurance report published by Audit Scotland. The report recognises the steady progress and significant efforts we have made since the last Best Value review in 2010 to transform our services during a time when the financial outlook, as for most other councils, remains challenging."

"A number of key strengths are highlighted, including good performance in education and social work, effective financial planning and the key role we have in joint working to deliver ambitious economic initiatives.

Tracey Logan, Chief Executive at SBC commented: "Looking after our most vulnerable people and giving our children the best start in life are key priorities for the Council and we are justifiably proud of our track record across these areas.

“However, the report recognises that as a small rural authority covering a huge geographical area we face many challenges in order to improve and sustain high performance across all our service areas.

“We will take on board Audit Scotland’s feedback and recommendations, many of which we had already identified ourselves and are taking action on, and continue to drive forward transformational change across all our services through our Fit for 2024 programme.

“For example, we are already actively working with NHS Borders to improve joint working, and we also recognise that we need to do more to respond to the Community Empowerment Act in order to encourage and enable people to play their part more easily in their communities.

“A key priority for us going forward will be to improve our performance monitoring and measurement to demonstrate on a regular basis that the Council’s services are continuing to meet best value and identify quickly areas where further improvements are needed."

However, the Audit Scotland press release accompanying publication of the report contains a little less "sweetness and light".

According to the watchdog: "Scottish Borders Council has made steady progress as it continues to transform the way it delivers services. Working with other organisations will be key to the council achieving its ambitions for further changes.

"A report by the Accounts Commission, Scotland’s local authority watchdog, says the council must have clear plans to enable it to deliver its ambitious programme of transformation. The programme, called Fit for 2024, aims to improve how the council is run and save £30 million within the next five years.

"The Commission says it is important for the council to be clear about the senior level staff it needs and have the right mix of skills in its workforce to deliver services differently. It is also crucial that that all council staff contribute to the transformation plans.

"Although education, economic development and some social care services continue to improve, many services are performing below the national average. The council must do more to understand where and how these services need to improve."

Graham Sharp, Chair of the Accounts Commission, said: “The continued progress Scottish Borders Council has made to transform services is encouraging. Now it must focus on several critical areas including tackling under performing services, ensuring councillors have the right training to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities and getting to grips with both staff and community engagement.”

Hardly a ringing endorsement!

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